DAAD Information Centre Pune
Its services include:
- Information sessions on higher studies and research opportunities in Germany
- Individual counselling (only by appointment)
- Presentations at partner institutions, universities on request
Book an Appointment with IC Pune
(You can book an appointment one day ahead of the slot available. Open slots are shown for up to ten days.)
If you have gone through the information on the website, checked the databases and still have questions, you can book an appointment to get these answered!
DAAD Information Centre Pune
At Indo German Chamber of Commerce,
710 Nucleus Mall, 1 Church Road
Pune 411001
+91 7559270069
+91 11 66465538
Information Sessions
Information sessions are announced on DAAD Events as and when scheduled.
The consultation at the DAAD Information Centre is based on best knowledge and practice and is offered in good faith. The DAAD Information Centre however, accepts no liability for the correctness of information.

Dhanashree Deodhar
Regional Officer - Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Goa, Madhya Pradesh

Girija Joshi
Regional Officer - Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Goa, Madhya Pradesh

Gauri Deshmukh
Regional Officer - Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Goa, Madhya Pradesh